The Pilot Life
Entertaining and informative show featuring pilots and aviation professionals.
Podcasting since 2024 • 16 episodes
The Pilot Life
Latest Episodes
Greg Perry / Retired Airline Captain
Awesome experience to sit down and chat with Captain Greg Perry and reflect on his over 30 years in the aviation industry. Great stories about leadership, overcoming challenges, and good ol' fashioned flying fun!
Joe Sprague / CEO Hawaiian Airlines
At an early age Joe was fascinated with all things aviation. As a young boy, he would ride around on his toy airplane eyes pointed skyward. His dreams of becoming a pilot took him from the sun-soaked beaches of Florida as a student pilot, to th...
Tom Perkins / Airline Pilot / Country Music Singer-Songwriter
Tom Perkins has seen his share of L.I.V.I.N'With over 3 decades in (and out of) Aviation, he's seen the comings and goings of good times, not so good times, and everything in between. His aviation roots tie to his Grandfathe...